
Entrepreneurship Series | IP - licensing - patents

For a potential entrepreneur, the road from science to successful start-up is paved with challenges that might seem daunting at first. Securing intellectual property for a new technology is one such challenge - what steps need to be taken? What needs to be considered? Which questions need to be answered and which rules observed? Join us at the Cyber Valley workshop on July 15th, where experts in the realm of intellectual property will help you gain a solid overview of the milestones involved in patenting your business idea.


Thumb ticker sm 20220504 duerr tobias 06
University of Stuttgart
Thumb ticker sm 20220420 mayer florian klein
Cyber Valley GmbH
Thumb ticker sm 20220504 diehl alex 01
Eyehl GmbH


Thumb ticker sm alexander brem eni website foto
University of Stuttgart