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Cyber Valley scientist Steffen Staab appointed Fellow of ACM

Computer science association awards prize for knowledge technologies research
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Institute for Artificial Intelligence established

Pooled AI research with a focus on transfer to busi-ness and society
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Simulation science at the top

Interview with the SimTech Cluster spokespersons
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Call for posters: SimTech2023

Extended deadline for poster abstract submissions: April 7, 2023
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Great success at NeurIPS 2022

46 papers from Cyber Valley researchers selected for AI conference
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3.4 million euros for IRIS3D

State supports research into the interplay of intelligent systems, AI and society
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Gap in AI education addressed

AISA is dedicated to the training of AI professionals
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Kick-off for AI in higher education

Cyber Valley represented twice in funding initiative of the federal-state program
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Engaging in critical reflection on intelligent systems

New IRIS research network founded at der Universität Stuttgart
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