Fraunhofer Gesellschaft

Fraunhofer Gesellschaft is mentioned in 14 news articles

Thumb ticker md erf designs  stefanie

Stuttgart to become Europe's hot spot for AI and robotics...

European Robotics Forum 2025 in Stuttgart
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Thumb ticker md newsimage361698

Expert advice on getting started in AI and robotics

Application deadline March 31, 2022
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Thumb ticker md cv5 hp

Five years of Cyber Valley

AI research consortium celebrates anniversary
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Thumb ticker md pm dekonbot bild2

Fraunhofer IPA presents disinfection robot “DeKonBot”

New prototype of the mobile disinfection robot is an automation solution
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Thumb ticker md v7 v3 2direktdurchwahl logo quadratisch 1

New podcast online: AI in the world of work

The latest episode of the podcast “Direktdurchwahl” podcast is now available
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Thumb ticker md 6164 publikationsreihe titelmontage

Kickoff AI!

Exploiting the economic opportunities of artificial intelligence
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Thumb ticker md 6164 menschzentrierte ki anwendungen in der produktion

AI for rent

Comparison of the four providers AWS, Google, IBM and Microsoft
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Thumb ticker md fraunhofer ipa foto rainer bez

Harnessing the power of AI for robotics

In the second funding phase, “Cognitive Robotics” is expanding the research spectrum of...
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Thumb ticker md seeding earlyfund

Seeding and Early Funding Opportunities

Third virtual workshop of the Cyber Valley Entrepreneurship Series on October 29.
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Thumb ticker md 20200220 vestager 161

European Commission Vice-President Vestager visits Cyber ...

Scientists from the ecosystem are making a decisive contribution to the future of Europ...
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Thumb ticker md a7r00601

Fraunhofer Gesellschaft joins Cyber Valley

Cooperation between Germany’s leading research institutions further strengthens Baden-W...
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